Saudi Diva Blog
I wanted to start by sharing a personal story that’s related to a recent blog post that I wrote on my other blog – Saudi Diva.
On Wednesday, I was posting to my Instagram feed and I came across a post by someone who I met about four years ago at a wellness retreat in Sri Lanka.
She was sharing her struggles after her ex boyfriend stole her 18-month old baby from her while she was in hospital after trying to take away her life. It’s OK for me to share this because her friend created a donation page on her behalf and shared the story there. The friend is basically helping her to collect donations for the next court case.
I remember this woman very well, although we only spent a few days together at the retreat on a Sri Lankan beach resort. She has three other kids from her ex husband and is a single mom. We didn’t connect much on the retreat. She seemed to have different interests and personal values.
The reason that I’m sharing this story is to say that after I was done reading about her recent life situation and misfortunes, I decided to not write a blog post.
That day – Wednesday – I was planning to write a Wellness Wednesday blog post on my Saudi Diva blog. After reading this story, I was affected in some way and I felt like I don’t really feel like writing anything motivational or uplifting – my emotional state and mood shifted just by reading that story.
Being an empath and highly sensitive person, it’s so important for me to protect my energy and to be selective with the content and people that I’m exposed to. And you should too.
I truly believe that we attract situations to helps us grow and evolve. And that everything is a learning experience and opportunity for growth.
I just felt like it was so relevant for me to share with you how social media affects your subconscious mind without you realizing it. It’s super powerful.
That’s exactly what I wrote about in this blog post on Saudi Diva blog.
Taking a Sacred Pause from Blogging
Since the start of this season and lockdown life, I’ve been wanting to declutter and clean all my cupboards and cabinets. And I just can’t seem to find the time to do this.
Why? because I’m always prioritizing the blog and the business. And I’ve come to a stage where I have to make a change in my priorities for a while.
If you’ve been following my posts for some time, you’ll notice how I talk a lot about family and societal conditioning. And how it’s the main thing that we need to work on shifting and releasing.
Because I was raised in a home where we were encouraged to live from a mind space and focus on achievement, hard work, success, education and career, I naturally grew up to be an adult who is focused on these things.
Since I’ve been doing a lot of inner work and healing in the past four years, I’ve realized that I no longer resonate with that version of me! it feels so liberating to finally find your true self and soul essence.
I’m 40 now and if I don’t follow my soul essence now after I uncovered it, then when will I do that?
I wrote in the previous post about how I want to invest in all areas of my life. You can read that blog post here.
What this looks like for me is this: investing time in my hobbies and interests like cooking, dancing, dance fitness, writing on my other blog (I’ll talk about this in a minute) and just doing what I feel like doing.
This also means that I can spend time connecting with friends and nurturing my relationships with my girl friends.
As I mentioned earlier, I want to declutter and clean my space. This is something that I kept postponing since the start of the pandemic. Of course I’ve been doing the basic cleaning but there are extra things that I’m not able to do.
While I won’t be totally invested in career, I still have a Facebook Ads course that I want to finish. As an entrepreneur, you always have to do something. Whether it’s going to end up with me creating FB ads for my life coaching business or not, I still want to take the course and then decide.
Another thing that taking a sacred pause will help me do is leave space for new things to enter my life. This is actually the main reason that I’m no longer active on Instagram stories. Since then, I’ve strengthened my intuition so much that I now get daily messages from my spirit guides on the next steps to take. It’s so magical!
If you want to discover the simple and powerful tips that you can take to develop your intuition and attract synchronicity, sign up to my newsletter and receive a FREE guide on how to attract synchronicity and manifest with ease and flow.
While I won’t be blogging on this site for a while, I will continue to write weekly posts on my Saudi Diva blog and I’ll still be sharing content to my social media feeds.
B.t.w. I recently updated the content for the Saudi Diva newsletter, so make sure to subscribe once you’re there.
One-on-One Coaching Sessions
For now, I’m still keeping my one-on-one coaching sessions on hold. The reason is that I need to focus on other aspects of the business. Like marketing strategies and creating an online course.
The plan is to create an online course, launch it sometime early next year and then open the coaching sessions for booking.
I’ll be updating you once I decide on the topic for the online course – and there will be more than one topic.
For now, please feel free to share any suggestions that you might have for an online course that you can take from the comfort of your home.
Until the next blog post, make sure to subscribe to the Soul Collective and Saudi Diva newsletters to stay updated with the latest posts and news.
Self-reflection Questions
Do you feel like you’re living in alignment with your true, authentic self?
How can you start to bring awareness to the parts of your personality that are shaped by your family and societal conditioning?
Do you consider yourself living with intention and doing what makes your soul alive and fulfilled?
Until next time, stay safe!

Great article, I’ve been on a soul searching journey for the past few years and this has been the clearest most uplifting reading that has so far been spot on and has helped me towards my personal goal of manifesting into the person I truly wish to be.
Glad to hear this Chloe! you can follow my Instagram page: @saudidivablog where I regularly speak to my community and share golden tips and nuggets. Looking forward to seeing you there!